#4. meanwhile in the village...

Let us relive the life of a village, moving and progressing at its own pace and passion. A hath yogi welcomes the Surya with an arduous Namaskar while his learned guru offers his prostrations to the Kaal bhairav . ____________________________________ ( A Vigrah of 'Bhairav' found @ Karnataka - Hoysala Dyansty ) ____________________________________ Children gather under a tree for their morning lessons while the Garbha - grha of the temple sings the praise of Bhairavi . A young man sits in the Mandapam of the temple and does magic with his fingers . Entire village full of energy and vigour hopes of a great day ahead. A young lady named Pushpachandrika , somewhere deep inside the jungle, strikes a chord on her Veena as the deers and hare encircle her. ____________________________________ ( A 16th - 17th century painting of a lady playing the 'Been'. ) ___________________________________ The yogi sits down with his Ektara to c...